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Thanks to the people on this board

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by rua2006, May 3, 2008.

  1. rua2006

    rua2006 Member

    Apr 18, 2007
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    Undoubtedly, this season was INSANE. So many ups and downs, so many things happened. And through it all, it's been great coming to ClutchFans and reading everyone's opinion and getting the most recent updates and living the Rockets.

    During the streak, I would check ClutchFans before my own email to see what hype was being built next. When Yao got hurt, many of us basically lived on this board for the next three days. When the playoff race came to its final days, here we were, going nuts and speculating over what would happen.

    It just feels good to have a message board to go through all that, every year. And this year was particularly eventful, so thanks to y'all for making it even more fun than it already was.
  2. Rocketsgo

    Rocketsgo Member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    The first? Thank you for your thread!
  3. GoRedRowdies

    GoRedRowdies Member

    Dec 22, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Thank you for your response to his thread.
  4. lethe

    lethe Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    I don't know how to describe my feelings after the painful game 6, I feel sorry for Yao, for Tmac,for this team and for those who support this team from the beginning to the end. Now there is no friend by my side can share the bitterness, I must say I live on this forum,only staying here can make me feel better.Let's give each other a warm hug and wipe our tears although the defeat is a bitter pill to swallow. Rockets, you deserve people's respect and appreciation,we are proud to be your fans forever.Tomorrow is another day,cheer up Tracy,cheer up Yao, see you 08-09 season... I'm almost in tears,sorry,sorry for my incoherent words... :(
  5. ClearSky

    ClearSky Member

    Oct 7, 2007
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    i feel so sad in the whole day..... :(
  6. Williamson

    Supporting Member Supporting Member

    Dec 6, 2002
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    It was a great season. The 22 wins. Coming back from being below 500 to winning 55 games. Going from 10th to 1st during the streak. Even coming back on the Jazz some after Alston's return.

    I think it's fair to say we could have won that series if Alston had been healthy from the start. And I think we'd have dominated if Yao and Alston were healthy. We'll add some more pieces this offseason and the league better look out next year. With Scolandry adapted to Adelman's system, a couple new pieces and hopefully a full healthy season from Yao and McGrady, we could win more 60 games next year.

    All things considered, I'm proud of this squad. I look forward to seeing how Morey uses the offseason to improve it, and you better believe (just as in the past 8 or so years) I'll be checking this board 50 times a day to be sure I'm up to date on the moves being made.
  7. cujo

    cujo Member

    May 20, 2002
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    See you guys next year when Rockets win it all!

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