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Is Jalen Duren Dwight Howard?

Discussion in 'NBA Draft' started by futilman, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. futilman

    futilman Member

    Nov 15, 2020
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    Can someone tell me how Duren isn't talked about more as Dwight 2.0? He measures up so similarly to young Dwight Howard and doesn't seem to have the attitude issues (though it's early). He also seems to have better touch at this point than Dwight did.

    I get that the league doesn't like Centers who can't shoot or playmake anymore, but early Dwight was unreal and Duren looks like he has similar defensive potential. He is also at least a year younger than the top 4 guys and has an all-world combination of athleticism and size. What's not to like here?

    If Jalen Green ever learns to run a pick and roll, isn't Duren the perfect complement? If we get the 5th or 6th pick, shouldn't Duren be given serious consideration?
    roslolian likes this.
  2. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Yes. Duren is really like a young Dwight Howard/Bam Adebayo in the same way Barnes is like a young Giannis. The main reason people overlook him is cuz he is young but looks old. In reality he should be in high school dominating everyone like Zion did but he reclassified and went to college a year earlier. However because he looks old people automatically compare him to Mark Williams of Duke and think he should be on the same level skillwise and they get disappointed when he looks so raw and doesnt know how to score on his own. Like when he got manhandled by Chet, you can see his hype die in real time.

    Personally I'm really high on Duren if he lands with a class org like say the Spurs he can end up being the best player in this draft. I have him 5th and tbh you can also convince me to take him over Banchero at 4rth.

    It's not all positives though the main issue he is raw AF and doesnt seem to be an intellectual defender. Like with Mobley or Chet you know those 2 understand how the play will unfold and what they need to do to stop the opponent. Right now Duren is all sbout his instincts and relying on his atheleticism to block shots. Same thing on offense yeah he can dunk the ball but he lacks Zion's knack for finishing possessions. If Rox can get him he may suck for the first 2 seasons as he learns how to play and you can see CF have a melt down.

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