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2016 Russian Hackings Master Thread

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Brando2101, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Brando2101

    Brando2101 Contributing Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    I went through past threads to see the best place to post comments about the current hearing but found that the continued dialog about this issue runs from thread to thread. All of the threads appear to suggest 1 conclusion over another. Master Thread seems like a good idea particularly if it does not speculate on one side or another. However mods or everyone else, feel free to lock or let die if you don't think so.

    03/20/17: FBI Director Comey & National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers testify to congressional intelligence committee.

    Is anyone watching right now? First, this is an extremely partisan QA direction by both sides of the council and should show that an independent council is needed. It was obvious that there was not a consensus in direction on what questions and which conclusions were desired by various members. Granted, you want to cover the entire spectrum of issues within a grand investigation however the refusal to follow up with certain comments that undercut what the rep was fishing for was extremely disappointing.

    There is a lot of questions that can not be answered because an investigation is ongoing and the refusal to answer a specific question should not suggest any conclusion. It's obvious that questioning these two men is very pre-mature but it was still a good watch with a lot of interesting information. However, any liberal or conservative that comes out saying that this endorses whether something happened or didn't happen is kidding themselves. However, I will identify times when I feel like you can make some conclusions but I'll precede it with (IMO).

    A big takeaway that an investigation is currently underway to find if their were illegal connections between (specifically) the Trump campaign and that it began in June 2016. However, there is no clear catalyst to what triggers an investigation like this and (OF COURSE) an investigation does not suggest a conclusion one way or another. (IMO) this questions the notion that this is just an obsession from liberals to fuel this issue particularly since the decision to start the investigation began last summer.

    Do not expect any conclusion to how any hacking affected the outcome of the election. The nature of this speculation is not being investigated in anyway and the final conclusion should not suggest that Trump won the election if he had illegal collusion with the Russian Government. This is about conspiracy and collusion between private citizens to commit felonies to other American citizens. The POTUS account was live tweeting and the asserted in a tweet that Rogers and Comey said that the hacks did not influence the election which led to them clarifying that that is not something they are investigating. reached in one of the tweets was refuted by Comey and Rogers refuted when a representative brought that up. They would not call it a lie but they did pre-empt their answer by saying, "We haven't read it [the tweet]. Pretty funny considering how short it is.

    Comey and did conclude that the primary goal by the Russians was to hurt the Clinton campaign and not necessarily to help Trump win. The Russians thought Trump could win after the GOP convention but the Russian didn't believe Trump could win in the couple months before the election. This (imo) doesn't seem very relevant. Comey's reply used a lighthearted reaction that was a a nice break in seriousness. “I think it’s 2 close related sides of the same coin. To put it in a homely metaphor, I hate the New England Patriots and no matter who they play, I’d like them to lose. And so I’m at the same time rooting against the Patriots and hoping their opponent beats them because there is only 2 teams on the field. But what the intelligence community concluded was, early on the hatred for Ms. Clinton was all the way along. When Mr Trump became the nominee, there was some sense that it would be great if he could win, it would be great if we could help him but we need to hurt her no matter what. And then it shifted to, she has no chance. Let’s just focus on undermining her."

    One thing that a very partisan series of questions from a GOP rep led to an answer saying that the Russians attempted to hack organizations from all over the political spectrum. They gained access to GOP organizations but did not release that information. It's disappointing there was no follow up. I know it seems like I'm making a point here and I don't deny that. I will admit again that the exact intention by the Russians is irrelevant but there is still evidence that actions were taken to do more damage to Clinton than Trump even if they were mostly doing it in order to create problems for Clinton during her eventual presidency.

    #1 Brando2101, Mar 20, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
  2. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    My big takeaway is that during the campaign for president, both major party candidates were involved in criminal investigations by the FBI. Hillary for crimes committed while Secretary of State and Trump for potential ties to Russia.

    Good job America! Those two national embarrassments were the best you could come up with.
  3. dandorotik

    dandorotik Contributing Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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    There are many uninformed, misinformed, and over-informed people in this country.

    Plus, if President Trump were smart (I know, it's asking a lot sometimes), he'd just say, "I appreciate the FBI for their efforts in this investigation." President Trump is really clueless- if he'd just ignore some of these things, and stop saying stupid things like "Obama tapped me!", he'd make things a lot better for himself. This is what people like Rush Limbaugh don't understand. He says, "All of this is about the establishment petrified about him draining their swamp. Including the media."

    Umm, no, it's about ratings. And it's about the stupid things Trump does and says.

    Whatever happened to President Trump becoming "Presidential once I get into the White House"? I swear, he'd never get a segment of the population to support him, but he never will and it doesn't matter. He's burning bridges with the moderates who voted for him due to his dumbass behavior.

    Methinks he protested too much this morning on Twitter regarding Russia. He brings it all on himself.
    #3 dandorotik, Mar 20, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
  4. SamFisher

    SamFisher Contributing Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    This is all just a distraction.

    joshuaao, calurker, JumpMan and 4 others like this.
  5. Brando2101

    Brando2101 Contributing Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    How could that be your two "big" takeaways? It was around a 4 hour Q+A and how much did they mention Clinton's investigation by the FBI for her email server? I listened to the entire thing except for the 30 min or so that ran at the same time of Spicer's press conference. I mean, that wasn't remotely what any of the reps were talking about. I'm not trying to be a liberal blindly defending Clinton here but as an impartial observer I don't understand how that is what you could have gotten out of this.

    The part that I think is questionable about the Hillary investigation was why there was an announcement a week before the election that they found more emails and were looking into them and not an announcement that they they were 4-5 months into an investigation into Trump's campaign into collusion with a foreign power to commit felonies within the US. However, I honestly don't give a **** about that. The election is over and I still am not really convinced that the result of the hacks won Trump the election. If you asked most of his voters about why they voted (IMO) they would cite their belief that he won the argument about who could create more jobs (which is 100% true even though I disagree with his points) and that she had her own email server.

    I wholeheartedly agree with you here. Clinton (IMO) was the most qualified and would have done the best job however it's very obvious now that she was not the most electable candidate for a variety of reasons. It's sad that other candidates like O'Malley weren't given an equal voice in the nomination process. Trump's win of the GOP nomination was (IMO) a result of GOP candidates like Romney and the Bushs not creating policy that benefited rural America and those voters had become disillusioned with the party. I think it's fair to say that Trump's policy differences with the GOP party put him more in line with a 3rd party candidate however that is just an opinion. If I had to pick a GOP candidate then I would have liked to see Jeb but it's obvious he wasn't electable. Anyway, agree that it was sad to see.
    #5 Brando2101, Mar 20, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
  6. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!

    Mar 14, 1999
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    It is sure looking like the beginning of the end for Trump.

    Country over party.

    JeffB likes this.
  7. TheRealist137

    TheRealist137 Member

    Jan 27, 2009
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    No Worries likes this.
  8. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    There wasn't a lot of substance in the hearing from what I've heard and I listened to most of it....which isn't surprising at all given that most things of substance when it comes to an investigation like this would be classified. That's why all I really took from it was that they were and are looking into potential Russian ties with Trump and those connected to Trump during the campaign. The Hillary bit was something we have always known, so it didn't come from this at all I was just putting the two together.

    It's just embarrassing how far this country has fallen when jackasses like Trump and Hillary are the best we can come up with. We have to do better in the future, this really needs to be rock bottom.
  9. JeffB

    JeffB Contributing Member
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    Aug 29, 1999
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    GOP exposing themselves in toeing the line to defend Trump. The GOP is clearly gonna run obstruction for Trump. Will try to obfuscate and move the goal posts. We need an independent investigator.

    Comey has dropped some heavy bombs today. This is just horrifying stuff. The historical record will show where the GOP stood as our democracy was undermined and our republic attacked by a foreign power.

    Put country over party, folks. Future political tribalism may not even matter in the future if we don't. Seems I have some calls to make to my representatives to make sure they know some of us are watching them and paying attention to how they handle this.
  10. Brando2101

    Brando2101 Contributing Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    I adamantly disagree. There was no evidence presented that their was collusion AND there was no assertion that they haven't found information. Liberals need to be fair and be willing to move on for Russia if the FBI does not find that extensive laws were broken.

    Yep. Barbara Bush once said that the country should move on from the Clintons and the Bushs and she was right. I am very glad to see Clinton and Obama have left the public radar. I think their hope is to allow new leadership for the democrats. It's still not clear who that might be. I don't really care for the new DNC chair. I really like Rep. Joaquín Castro from San Antonio but he's playing it very slow which is probably a good idea. He could be your next Obama in that he could get a lot of national attention by winning a senate seat and using that as a springboard for president. However, I'm not saying it's likely for Castro to win the Texas senate spot in 2018. I just think he's someone you keep an eye out on. The absolute best case scenario is for the Democrats to take the house and pick their own Paul Ryan to beat the speaker.

    Again, this is one of the few aspects of life that I agree with you : )
    FranchiseBlade likes this.
  11. Brando2101

    Brando2101 Contributing Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    I think GOP reps are protecting themselves which I think was completely predictable for a House committee. I think there is something natural about that which is why they have no power to impeach a president. All they can do is propose it to the senate.

    What do you think they specially dropped that was horrifying? I think history will give the GOP a pass if they can wrap this investigation up and attempt to push Trump out of office in this term. If he gets away with it given clear evidence of collusion then I think history will come down on them. It's only a few months into Trump's presidency and you are already seeing GOP congress members breaking from him.
  12. dandorotik

    dandorotik Contributing Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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    Absolutely not. Clinton had flaws, Trump is a 100% jackass. Mentioning them like that as equals in the same sentence is pathetically ridiculous. I would say the same if you compared Bush to Trump, or Reagan to Trump.

    Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, and John McCain. All had their flaws, but I would gladly take any one of these 4 intelligent, rational, and decent human beings over the human cluster**** that is Trump. Any day.

    And the majority would agree with me.
  13. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    Clinton was criminally incompetent when trusted with high office, Trump is 100% a jackass. They are different, yet both are absolutely awful and are national embarrassments.
  14. krnxsnoopy

    krnxsnoopy Contributing Member

    May 16, 2005
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    I'd take Mitt Romney, John McCain, hell even George W Bush over this doofus we have in office now. You can disagree with their policies but I believe Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, John McCain are actual good men at the core with integrity; even if you disagree with their ideologies.

    This ****er sold out the country for his personal gain. F***ing traitor
    calurker, Deckard and Rashmon like this.
  15. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    There's actually no evidence of that which has been released. None whatsoever...so while you are free to dislike Trump for hundreds of different valid reasons, when you say stuff like this, you might as well be accusing him of being born in Kenya.
  16. rimbaud

    rimbaud Contributing Member
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    Nov 3, 1999
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    There is no evidence yet of him being a traitor but there is evidence of using the office for personal gain. He is the first to ever do that while in office. So you could say he has "sold out" the country in that respect because tax dollars are supporting and promoting Trump businesses and government officials are encouraging the purchase of Trump family products, etc.

    Every weekend he stays at a Trump branded location and his wife lives in Trump tower with the government footing the bill for such arrangements...which basically has already cost more than the annual funding of the NEA that we "so desperately" need to cut (according to idiots).
    RocketWalta likes this.
  17. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    That's still a pretty weak line of attack. It's just odd to reach for things like that when there are so many valid reasons not to like Trump but whatever you feel like you have to do to get by.

    I understand that people get upset when wasteful spending gets cut, that's why it happens so infrequently, but that's hardly the best line of attack.
  18. dandorotik

    dandorotik Contributing Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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    Most don't see it that way. Enough people got suckered and wanted a change. And she did have flaws. Hillary Clinton is highly respected around the world and is only an embarrassment to a minority of Americans. Those are facts that are easily verifiable. Donald Trump is a true worldwide embarrassment. They are in no way viewed the same. Truth.
  19. dandorotik

    dandorotik Contributing Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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    There is a difference between personally disliking someone and stating facts. I don't think I really like Cruz, but he's obviously very intelligent and would represent conservatives much better than Trump. Same with Gowdy- he pisses me off, but you have to respect that he's good at what he does.
  20. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    Well it doesn't really matter how most see it when the way "most see it" is not accurate. Also, I'd challenge your assertion that Hillary is so respected given that she's just about the only person that would have been able to lose a one on one election to Donald Trump....

    Anyway, I know it's still a sore subject, but she really is awful. If she wasn't, she'd be president right now.

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