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Last Activity:
Nov 6, 2021 at 3:38 AM
Nov 8, 2014
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Member, from Greece

Dead Sep 5, 2021

malakas was last seen:
Nov 6, 2021
    1. malakas
    2. J.R.
      You are too kind. :) Thanks!
      1. daywalker02 and malakas like this.
    3. oakdogg
      Do we have a finite number of likes we can give? I fear I will give them all today just to you!
      1. malakas likes this.
      2. malakas
        lol I don't think there is a limit. :) hehe Now plz go post some more so I can also like yours back. ^_^
        Oct 9, 2016
        oakdogg likes this.
      3. oakdogg
        Haha, that's nice. I'm not on your level though. You have been the best poster in my rankings without any kind of a close second. I'm actually surprised you have not gotten bored - though I'm thankful you haven't. Haha
        Oct 10, 2016
    4. Roc Paint
      Roc Paint
      Praying for you my brother!
    5. oakdogg
      I would like to hear your thoughts on how we can better utilize Harden AND Lawson on offense at the same time without marginalizing them by taking away their strengths. I'd start a thread, but it is certain the people with the most replies in the thread will have the fewest intelligent things to share - as seems to be the way it goes here these days.....
    6. jch1911
      Ah. Thanks for your reply! I was hoping some regret was kicking in about not selecting the hometown hero (and they will need a backup 3 after next year anyway). Just a thought.
    7. jch1911
      Question - Do you think the Bucks would do a 2016 lottery protected 1st for Sam Dekker (it would become top 20 protected in 2017 / could still be conferred and then unprotected in 2018)? I know he is injured right now, but I understand he is a pretty big deal in Wisconsin (still)
    8. oakdogg
      You are the best poster here IMO. I hope you're like a CEO or something really rewarding and/or lucrative in life outside of ClutchFans!!!
    9. i3artow i3aller
      i3artow i3aller

      Winter is coming...

      Prepare yourself for a December to remember!

      Happy holidays and the very best wishes to you and yours!
    10. oakdogg
      I hope you're making money off of basketball somehow. You seem to know everything!!!! I enjoy your posts.
    11. Roc Paint
      Roc Paint
      Good to have you on board.
    12. Roc Paint
      Roc Paint
      Welcome to the Clutch Community!
    13. oakdogg
      That was nice of you to say! Thanks for forgiving me!
    14. oakdogg
      Hello. I just wanted to say sorry for making that crack at your expense in the cyberx thread, trying to be funny. No excuse, but I think I was really cranky that day. You seem like a very nice and knowledgeable poster and a great asset to the Board. If you want, I can apologize in a public thread. Sorry!
    15. RedRedemption
      Breh you should start a thread in the DISH just so we could hear your opinions on the Bucks all season long. You are a very knowledgeable poster!
    16. jaychi
      hi malakas taga pinas ka dba? naalala ko yung thread about yung sa MOA nung naglaro rockets at pacers dito. gusto ko makanood with a rockets fan sa playoffs hehe. sayang minsan lng ito. konti lng rockets fans sa pinas hehe.
    17. cyberx
      Pou stin Ellada eisai?
      1. Louka
        cyberx is ellinas?! pou re yamoto. pos then toxera mexri tora;
        Jan 18, 2017
        malakas likes this.
      2. malakas
        lol nai. Opoia petra kian sikwseis tha vreis enan ellina!
        Alla keep it low gia na min tin kanoume tin tautotita tou expose.
        Jan 18, 2017
      3. Louka
        lol ok. I fixed it :P
        Jan 18, 2017
        malakas likes this.
    18. malakas
      AXAXA nai! Ellinas eimai apo Ellada!:D Pantou Patrida re!
    19. cyberx
      Pou eisai re malaka? xaxa olla kala? Menis ellada?
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