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Boogie Cousins is the most overrated "star" in the league... Not even top 15.

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by Air Canada, Jul 29, 2016.

  1. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    31% from 3 is amazing for a center, it means he can play outside or inside and if the Rox got him he can play outside the paint when Harden drives in.

    The mid range shots of 36% and 35% can be ignored because except for a couple of guys everyone shoots horrible at the mid range, why do you think the Rox banned them from their plays? Even guys like Melo or Rudy Gay suck at mid range shots thats why they never win anything despite putting up lots of pts.

    The League Average is around 60% because unlike Boogie who actually has post moves the rest of the centers or guys who play in the post just dunk. Take a look at De Andre Jordan or Dwight Howard's FG%, it's no surprise the most limited Cs score the highest FG%.If you look at the heat chart you can see the green dots score all over the paint area that's a sign of a versatile scorer, if he stuck to dunking the ball then his FG% would go up but he wouldn't be capable of being an offensive centerpiece to the team.

    Not only that though, Boogie has the worst luck getting drafted by a horrible team that doesn't know what its doing. Look at his team it's a mess, Boogie is the franchise player who is strong offensively and weak defensively, Sac gives him bad defenders like Rudy Gay or guys who can't shoot and clog the paint like Rondo. Sac says they want him as the franchise player but they keep drafting his replacements, center projects who won't be ready for the next 2-3 years. In that kind of team it's not surprising to see Cousins play horribly, he has no motivation because no matter what he does his team will lose anyway. It's like Pau Gasol in Memphis, people thought he was a 2nd tier star but when he got surrounded by decent personnel in LA he pretty much dominated KG and the Celtics.
  2. Shaud

    Shaud Member

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Umm it's because Cousins hasn't been available
  3. benvolio007

    benvolio007 Member

    Oct 8, 2002
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    Something I have not seen posted here is the fact that you still have to have bigs on the floor some of the time.

    So the question is not really what other players have more impact.

    The question is, what other bigs have more impact. Particularly, 5s.

    I see the contenders as:

    M. Gasol
    A. Davis

    As a data point, Cousins had the highest FG% on Team USA in 2014 at 70%. Steph Curry shot 40%.
  4. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Mostly has to do with all of team usa's bigs roles are putbacks and easy dunks. Their team is built on the perimeter and playing through all the guards and wings. It doesn't feature the bigs in the middle.
  5. PinkTacos

    PinkTacos Member

    Nov 3, 2012
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    I think the only way a team gets close to golden state is to have a great post player surrounded by talent. Boogie might be the best low post player left in the NBA. If he could get on a good team with other talent, I think they could compete. Try to exploit GSW weakness.:cool:
  6. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Clev just exploited a GSW weakness and that was to attack Curry all game long with lebron/kyrie and whatever opens up as a result. It'll still be a weakness for GS if teams choose to attack it if they wish especially in the playoffs. Problem is are they discipline enough to stick with it regardless of how the game may be going.
  7. benvolio007

    benvolio007 Member

    Oct 8, 2002
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    True, and it speaks to what Cousin's can do and is willing to do on a team with talent.

    Will he do the dirty work? He has.
    Will he accept a non-focal role? He has.
    Will he put winning ahead of individual stats? He has.

    This doesn't mean he would do these things in all contexts.

    The NBA context is very different in that players are earning their life's income and need to put up measurable (stats) that get them a greater likelihood of earning the most money. Max salary guys (like Cousins) don't have to think about this so much because they are at the max already. So it is conceivable that Cousins could be willing to "just win baby".
  8. chandlerbang21

    Jun 30, 2013
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    He is sure playing some James Harden level defense in the exhibition games. He can barely get off the floor and is having his shot blocked
  9. shakes05

    shakes05 Rookie

    Nov 5, 2007
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    Avery Johnson was a terrible shooter, but fit the Spurs system during their first championship
  10. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    he was much improved during the championship season

    Rocket River
  11. Vivi

    Vivi Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    I'm not sure Boogie is a great fit with Harden, or better, i'm not sure he's the best fit with Harden, but if we have a chance to trade for him (and i don't think we'll have for at least 12 months) i think we should do it without a doubt. He clearly wants out from the Kings, i remember watching him few times last season when the Kings were playing pretty well under Malone and he was a beast most of times, i remember a couple of games where he has literally destroyed Davis and Asik, Gasol and Z.Bo...and then they signed Karl and he startet to play like an idiot chucking up no sense threes etc...but yeah, when the situation was ok i'm pretty sure he was playing very well both ends...in a good situation i think he's easily the best center in the league as today, and he can still develop his game.
  12. Vivi

    Vivi Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    And at this point i just hope the delusional Kings are going to keep him for at least this season so we can really be in play as he'll enter in the last year of his contract next summer.
  13. Air Canada

    Air Canada Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    You're looking at capability... Not efficiency.

    That isn't a good % from three.. it just shows he's able to make some.. just not very well.

    So blatantly wrong.... Look at the league average.

    Not sure why you're mentioning Gay and Melo, but you're flat out wrong on Melo... He's pretty consistently been one of the best mid-range shooters in the game throughout his career. The problem is his over reliance on that shot and that's it's where the bulk of his FGA come from.

    Boogie's can't be ignored cuz the attempts and selection.
    He's well below the average there as well... MULITPLE bigs that are quality/better mid-range shooters.

    Gasol, Horford, LMA, AD, Bosh, etc.. I could go on.

    That % isn't just for centers..... It's for the LEAGUE... Guards, wings, forwards.. etc.. your point is completely invalid.

    There are numerous wings, guards, and PFs better at finishing at the rim than Boogie.

    Gasol was winning games though and making the postseason.... He was a much more efficient player too... Poor comparison and I already touched on the rest of this here....

  14. Air Canada

    Air Canada Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    That's never been the discussion or topic... Not just 5s.... All players.
  15. Air Canada

    Air Canada Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    Tell me what Avery shot and what Rubio shoots..... He's still a much better finisher/shooter than Ricky.. Avery didn't really shoot three's.... And let's not act like he was a primary focal point in them winning the title.
  16. LCAhmed

    LCAhmed Contributing Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    How do people compare KAT to Boogie as far as ranking? I'm very high on KAT, I think he's gonna be something special, and he seems to have a great head on his shoulders.
  17. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title
    Supporting Member

    Dec 22, 2005
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    KAT is infinitely better than Boogie; or, at least, he will be.

    Describe the traits of the ideal big man in today's NBA and it'd match KAT perfectly.

    Boogie is the new Fool's Gold.
  18. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    The impact BIGS have on the court is very REF DEPENDENT
    In todays league SHAQ could not be SHAQ.
    Floppying . . . Hacking . . . Refs allowing 'the little guy' to grab wrist and forearm on steals without calling because the 'big guy' should be strong enough to not loose the ball. . . . . Offensive calls when the people's feet not set but the other guy is so big and he bulled over him. . . . etc etc etc

    Rocket River
  19. Lightsnowaction

    Jul 16, 2014
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    Kinda want Boogie more now since Westbrooke is nearing an extension, and Blake is the other superstar target.
  20. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    Immature hothead DeMarcus Cousins in hot water again

    The Sacramento Kings are officially in the DeMarcus Cousins danger zone.

    Between the civil suit he faces relating to a Dec. 5 fight involving Matt Barnes at a New York City nightclub and the video that surfaced Friday night of him berating a Sacramento Bee columnist for his coverage of the matter, his already rough image is taking quite the heavy hit of late. According to two sources with knowledge of the situation, the NBA was made aware of the latter incident before it was publicized, and Cousins is likely looking at discipline in some form sometime in the next few days. The people spoke to USA TODAY Sports on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation.

    The Kings issued a statement on the matter Friday, telling the Bee, "We are committed to being open and transparent, and any hint of media censorship is unacceptable. There is an ongoing review into this matter, and we will take the appropriate steps immediately upon its conclusion." The timing of it all, of course, couldn’t be worse when it comes to the Kings and their future basketball plans.

    With the trade deadline two months away and the reality that Cousins’ contract expires in the summer of 2018, they faced a fascinating fork in the road when it comes to this situation even without all this drama. Strip away all the recent headlines, and even forget for a minute about all those years of this partnership falling woefully short, and the fact still remains that now is the time when teams in this position have a tough call to make: Run the risk of losing a star player for nothing by holding onto him while rival teams gain leverage with every passing day, or trade him sooner rather than later as a way of cutting losses. Add these kinds of off-court messes into the mix, and you have a nightmare scenario for Kings owner Vivek Ranadive and general manager Vlade Divac.

    As Bleacher Report’s Howard Beck noted, rival executives who were already wary of Cousins’ caustic personality are surely to be scared off by these sorts of developments. The Kings were believed to be leaning towards keeping him for the rest of this season before these situations unfolded, and the brutal part for them now is that would-be offers will only worsen in the wake of it all. The only viable solution here, it seems, is the one they’ve never been able to figure out: Winning.

    While the Kings (10-16) did manage to down the Memphis Grizzlies on Friday to move within two games of the Portland Trail Blazers for eighth place in the Western Conference, their overall record since drafting Cousins in 2010 is 174-328 (.346). All in all, it’s quite the corner they’re boxed into here.

    <style>.mcclatchy-embed{position:relative;padding:40px 0 56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%}.mcclatchy-embed iframe{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%}</style><div class="mcclatchy-embed"><iframe src="http://www.sacbee.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/joyce-terhaar/article121435292.html/video-embed" width="640" height="400" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>
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